Asalamu Alaikum brothers and sisters
Hope this finds you in good health and high Iman.
Welcome to Musmate.com, this website was created to initially for the purpose of helping brothers and sisters seeking to find Muslim roommate but now we are pleased to provide classified services among other things. The website is a one stop classified and Directory for Muslims in non-Muslim majority countries insha’Allah
The website is a work in progress so we kindly request your patience and cooperation during this period. Feel free to contact us for any inquiries and/or feedback regarding errors, improvements, categories suggestions, etc
You can reach us by filling out the form on the contact us page, or e-mail us directly at contact@musmates.com. Like, follow, or tweet us: Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Please SHARE our services everywhere and anyhow you can, the more people the better!
Musmates.com Team